Elevate the organization and security of your company to the next level!
system access manager
SAM provides your company with the digitized management and registration of corporate permissions by supporting the requesting process with its customizable rule system and automating their fulfilment with connectors.
In addition to supporting the requesting process, it ensures the efficient and comprehensive execution of company audits.
organizational development
and process support system
The Coordinator is able to manage and log the complex processes of your company by ensuring the scheduling of tasks and controlling processes with logical rules.
In addition to supporting users, the system can perform automatic tasks and organic integration with other systems.

Custom software development
We deliver optimal, lasting, quality solutions for our customers.

Groupama Garancia Biztosító Zrt.

Erste Bank Hungary Nyrt.

Aegon Általnáos Biztosító Zrt.

Aegon Pénztár- szolgáltató Zrt.

Aegon Lakástakarék- Pénztár Zrt.

Pénzügyi Szervezetek ÁF

Takarékinfo Zrt.

Generali-Providencia Biztosító Zrt.

MKB Bank Zrt.

Richter Gedeon Nyrt.

Aegon Hitel Zrt.

Szerencsejáték Zrt.

Intrum Zrt.

Magyar Posta Biztosító Zrt.

Budapest Bank Zrt.

K&H Bank Zrt.


WinJi AG

Stable, modern applications
We consider it our fundamental goal to help the development of your company with our products developed with modern technology.
High level, professional support
Based on our practices built on trust with our partners, we provide continuous and high-quality support for our products.
Solutions that fit the needs of your company
Based on our extensive software design experience, we guarantee that we will develop the correct solution for our customers that best fits their ideas.
Trusting, long-term connection with our customers
During our operation of more than two decades, we have developed relationships with our customers based on mutual trust.

Informa Számítástechnikai és Szolgáltató Kft.

+36 74 565 669
+36 30 277 36 85

1117 Budapest, Szerenád u. 4. "A" ép 12. em. 2.
7200 Dombóvár, Árnyas u. 28.