System Access Manager
Identity management system
The key to security
The SAM provides the following benefits for your company:

Centralized and uniform permission management
The SAM identity management (IDM) system stores enterprise permissions, ensures their quick and easy requesting process, and logs changes occurring to them. It achieves this by centrally storing employee and permission data, and by contolling the requesting process.
Permission change requests are handled uniformly with Role Based Access Control.
Well-organized, transparent requesting processes
Through its three-phase access management process of requesting-approval-fulfillment, the SAM provides orderly, transparent process control with detailed status tracking.
Based on the logical rules stored in the system, the requesting process can be fine-tuned as desired. The SAM can control either simple requests with manual fulfillment or processes with complex automations that require multi-stage approval.
This quick and secure process is supported by e-mails sent at certain stages to involved employees.

Up-to-date and retrospective data provision
With the SAM, you can find out at any time what permissions a person currently has, or vice versa: who exactly has permission to a protected resource at the moment? The system will also provide this information regarding any time in the past.
By using connectors, the SAM is able to support auditing of enterprise permissions by comparing the permissions stored in the SAM database with the ones in the source systems and generating a report of discrepancies.
The SAM is able to connect to other systems (e.g., Active Directory, Oracle DB, etc.) through fulfillment connectors and make authorization changes, greatly increasing automation.
The system sends automatic notifications about the status of requests during processing, thus shortening the turnaround time for permission modification processes.
SAM’s diverse and flexible rule system is also able to trigger assignement and revocation requests automatically.

Multiphase implementation and integration
SAM supports quick win implementation, so its basic functions are easy to introduce in the company. Because the basic version includes all the necessary modules and functions to get started, the system can be used quickly.
After the introduction of the basic version, several connectors, interfaces and modules – can be gradually implemented, elevating the permission management of the company to the next level.
If required, the system’s customizable HR interface ensures continuous synchronization of employees and the organizational hierarchy.

IT security gets a complete picture of all permissions, including those that are hidden or unknown, thus eliminating vulnerabilities and reducing risks.

Users can own the necessary and sufficient permissions to perform the tasks associated with their position and job.

Automations make the permission requesting processes quicker and more efficient.

SAM makes a company’s authorization management structure transparent through easy-to-trace requesting processes.

Cost reduction
Automatic fulfillment reduces administration time, freeing up IT resources.

User permissions are managed in digital form, which is one of the foundations of the company’s digital transformation.
Do you have any questions?
Contact us!

Informa Számítástechnikai és Szolgáltató Kft.

+36 74 565 669
+36 30 277 36 85

1092 Budapest, Kinizsi u. 21-25. IV. em.
7200 Dombóvár, Árnyas u. 28.